Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry No More Cancer Christmas! :)

Hey everybody. It's Maddie. My mom thought that I should update the blog. She is better with writing than I am because I can never think of things to say but I guess I will just start off that I went in and had my first scans last week and I am cancer FREE! Which makes me very happy!

I'm pretty bummed though because now that I'm done with chemo I have to push physical therapy on my knee really hard. Its going to be difficult but I am grateful I still have my knee. Once I start physical therapy it will be easier for me to walk and I will eventually lose my limp. I just want to be able to do the simple things, like climbing up the stairs, going down the stairs, walking at a normal speed, riding a bike and dancing. It's getting better, but if I walk too much it will buckle and I hyper-extend it ALL the time; which can get very painful. :/

I haven't really done much since I got out of chemo. I'm starting to feel good enough to hang out with friends again, which is good because I missed that the most when I was going through chemo! It was really hard on me...
December 10th I got a boyfriend. ;) His name is Jaden Abbott, we have been good friends since 7th grade. He is a great kid and has always been there for me. We have hung out like every weekend since Dec 2nd, haha. My mom likes to tease me about us. She makes me laugh.
He has an amazing family and I have a great love for them.
Sticking out our tongues :P
Brandon Winger's Fundraiser
Jazz Game :)
Isn't he a cutie? :)
Love this boy!
Olivia Sue
I'm really looking forward to Christmas! I can't believe it is in like 2 days!! I have NO idea what my parents(SANTA) got me! I don't really care what it is but I'm still curious. This year I am more excited about spending time with my family/extended family.♥ It has been a while since we've all been together. I don't even remember the last time. Abbie and Rory aren't in Hawaii this year so it will feel like a normal Christmas again. Last year without them was weird! And it's little Livi girl's first Christmas! She is getting so big its crazy. I swear she gets bigger everytime I see her. Before I know it she will be walking and calling me "Auntie Maddie". :| That's weird to even think about!

I finally feel like my life is heading back to 'Normalcy'. It's aBOUT time! I start school January 17th. I'm a little nervous, but excited at the same time. HIGH SCHOOL! Everyone has told me that it's so much better than Jr. High. I guess I will find out soon enough...
Well... not much else to say. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! (P.S. The world is NOT going to end. Just sayin'.)

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